Friday, May 22, 2009

Lake Dey-Dey

I'm at lake Dey-Dey in Australia! I LOVE Australia! I'v always wanted to be here and now I am! The capitol of australia is Canberra! The capital of Australia is Canberra, which is in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Canberra became the capital of Australia in 1927 and is located in the the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). A project to find a national capital was commenced in the 1890s prior to Federation. The on-going rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne prohibited either city from consideration as the national capital. Contrary to popular belief, Canberra did not replace Melbourne as the National Capital. Melbourne was merely the temporary seat of power, having the only building large enough to hold the Parliament (the Exhibition Building). Australia is surrounded by the Indian ocean. In Australia the tempature varys from -4 to 40 degrees so it stays pretty cold here. But that's okay, I love it! It is so pretty here! I love just sitting here by the shore watching the sunset! It's amazing! Definately worth the two weeks it took to get here and the $100 in gas for the boat. The GPS coordinates for Lake Dey-Dey are 37°42′N 45°19′E. I am exactly 5,255.54 miles away from my last location in Madagascar. Probably the biggest difference from Madagascar to here is defiantly the temperature. Well I got to go, it's almost sunset. BYE!

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